
Attention parents/guardians of incoming 12th grade students!

All 12th grade students are required by Ohio school law to show proof of the following immunization BEFORE the start of the school year:

Meningococcal (A,C,Y, W-135) vaccine (To protect from Meningitis)

o   If your son/daughter received a Meningitis (A,C,Y, W-135) vaccine before the age of 16 years, a second dose is required for school attendance in 12th  grade.

o   If your son/daughter will be receiving the first dose of Meningitis (A,C, Y, W-135) vaccine and is now 16 years of age or older, only one dose is required for school attendance in 12th grade.

Any 12th grade student who has not had the required Meningitis (A,C,Y,W-135) vaccination will not be permitted to attend school until proof of this immunization has been received by the school.

The Meningitis immunization can be obtained at any time from now until the first day of 12th grade. We encourage you to contact your Primary Care Physician or your local health department for an appointment.

Massillon City Health Department  Phone: 330-830-1713 (“Must be VFC eligible”)

Stark County Health Department    Phone: 330-493-9914

As soon as this required immunization is obtained, please provide upload a copy of your child’s shot record, including the Meningitis vaccination date via  Final Forms 

School Secretary:   330-830-3901  Ext: 51101

Attention parents/guardians of incoming 7th grade students!

All 7th grade students are required by Ohio school law to show proof of the following immunization BEFORE the start of the school year: 

  • TDaP vaccine (to protect from Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis)

  • Meningococcal (A, C, Y, W-135) vaccine (To protect from Meningitis)

Any 7th grade student who has not had the TDaP and Meningitis (A, C, Y, W-135) vaccinations will not be permitted to attend school until proof of this immunization has been received by the school. 

Both the TDaP and Meningitis immunizations can be obtained at any time from now until the first day of 7th grade. We encourage you to contact your Primary Care Physician or your local health department for an appointment. 

Massillon City Health Department Phone: 330-830-1713 (“Must be VFC eligible”)

Stark County Health Department    Phone: 330-493-9914

As soon as these required immunization are obtained, please provide upload a copy of your child’s shot record, including the vaccination date via  Final Forms 

School Secretary:   330-830-3902  Ext: 52700